Publications – Great Lake Maritime Task Force
Decorative Wave

The Great Lakes Maritime Task Force is proud to represent the Great Lakes shipping community, providing a voice for critical issues with great potential impacts on the industry. Our priorities span the actions that are important to keep our waterways open, foster growth of the maritime sector in the Great Lakes, and ensure that we protect the environmental, economic, and social interconnectedness that fosters a thriving Great Lakes region.

We advocate for the issues critical to shipping on the Great Lakes, including:

Constructing a second Poe-sized lock at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

Removing the sediment backlog the chokes our commercial waterways

Protecting the Jones Act and other U.S. maritime cabotage laws with adequate icebreaking resources

Opposing exports and/or increased diversions of Great Lakes water

Maximizing the Great Lakes overseas trade via the St. Lawrence Seaway

Find out more about our work and positions on key topics.